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Food Service

Food service and the fruit and vegetable sector (add the AGF sector) – our products are appreciated by chefs and in food processing plants, as a side to ready meals and for salads
Freshness and

Our products are appreciated by customers from Poland and abroad. We offer products without additives with a shelf life of 60 days (pure products – water and salt) up to even 90 days (with the addition of pyrophosphate), which allows you to conveniently plan purchases, and in the case of lower sales or pandemic restrictions, our customers have more time to use the purchased products. We specialise only in chilled products, however we offer a wide range of cutting options – from whole potatoes, through cubes of various sizes, quarters, halves, slices and wedges.

Our sterilised vegetables are suitable for heating and quick serving, as well as for baking, frying or grilling.

We do not offer lower and higher quality products – everyone likes to eat well and healthy, so our products can be considered both premium, but also common and affordable for everyone.

Our products offered for restaurants and hotels meet the quality expectations of chefs of the best restaurants, but also local, family-owned facilities.

We also offer our vegetables as a semi-finished product for the fruit and vegetable industry, including producers of fish preserves, soups and salads (AGF sector). We are a reliable partner for production plants who value both quality and certainty of timely execution of the order.

Our customers appreciate the repeatability of our products and stable quality throughout the year.


dużą wagę przykładamy do zdolności śledzenia (odtworzenia historii) przepływu surowców w łańcuchach i sieciach dostaw, wraz z rejestracją parametrów identyfikujących te surowce oraz wszystkie lokalizacje objęte przepływem. Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa dostarczanych na rynek produktów wiąże się z rejestrowaniem i gromadzeniem danych na ich temat na każdym etapie łańcucha dostaw, a więc na poziomie każdego z przedsiębiorstw biorących udział w tym łańcuchu.

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